Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ideas so far for project

So far I'm not really sure where I'm heading for my final project. I had a couple of ideas, but the better ones are out of my current technical reach.

One was as a reaction to my senses assignment, to have a visualization - like they have for music - but make it based off a heart beat. So it would be interactive art. You'd have to grab little handles (like they have on a StairMaster or treadmill) and get a heart rate, and the visualization would be based on that beat. If you wanted a different experience, then you'd have to jog around or meditate to get a different heart rate, and therefore a different reaction from the monitor. Could also use other things - like body mass, temperature, etc, so that no two experiences are alike.

The other was 'eyes in the back of my head' - inspired by a scene in what the bleep to we know, where the little girl at the wedding has all of those disposable cameras tied to her. I wanted to rig some sort of camera-helmet thing to take a picture behind me with a separate camera at the moment I would take one normally looking forward. Not so that it's panoramic or anything, just as a way of saying sometimes you miss what you can't see. Or perhaps sometimes something more interesting is behind you than in front of you. I thought of using those disposable cameras like they have at weddings, but I'm not sure how to rig them up. Or I thought doing it like they have on the movie - kind of like a spiderweb with cameras pointing in all different directions. Then maybe taking them and stitching them together for a collage.

Then my third more practical (aka boring) idea was to take pictures of things that are very un-aesthetic (like stains, road-kill and the like, stuff that's icky) and try to create something beautiful out of it. Don't know how, don't know what, but thought of that on my bike ride the other day when I saw a stain on a telephone poll that looked like a cartoon character. I could try to use those shapes as some sort of illustration - like cartoons, because I'm not very good at it, and perhaps it's time I try. Basically the idea is to either make something
aesthetic out of something icky, or to create a shape from something that's not there - like cloud gazing.

More later.


Dezra said...

How about this as a possibility for your second idea...eyes in the back of your head. Use a camera that has a remote shutter, drape the camera...or secure the camera...behind you then just press the remote occasionally as you go about your daily business? If you can find a Canon, I have a remote you can use....

SalmonGod said...

I like your 3rd idea. It reminds me of American Beauty, and some of my favorite art is the stuff that takes an alternative approach to daily life or things usually seen as ugly or mundane.